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A message from Carly Ellis Posted on: 22/10/2021

A message from Carly Ellis

It is definitely feeling very autumnal now!  I am amazed at how quickly this half term has flown by.   The teachers have, and are, working incredibly hard to make sure that the curriculum is engaging and interesting, building on previous learning and providing first hand experiences.  I do hope that you have a look at the learning that all the classes have been up to and not just your child's class.  Dojo is amazing but I sometimes feel, that as parents, you are missing out on what the whole school is doing as classes post on their class pages.  You get a sense of how much we are developing and how many experiences your child will get as they move through their school career in Priorswood.  We are working hard to develop our curriculum page to reflect this.    As a taster, Stag class were lucky enough to not just learn about the heart using diagrams but they actually had the opportunity to dissect one! An experience that children might not have had until they reach secondary school.  We also had a wolf (not the real thing!) who invaded Badger class and left a path of destruction and Hedgehog class became detectives.  They had to find out what cold and slimy material had covered 'Tim' the class hedgehog by experiencing the touch of lots of materials.  It's all very exciting!  How I would have thrived in this sort of environment at school!    We have been working really hard on our school library.  It is now a space that is used at break and lunchtimes where children can use story sacks, complete quizzes, listen to the adult audio books and read quietly.  Each class has a reading for pleasure time in their classrooms too.  We are nearly at the stage where we will be able to provide you with a link to the audio books so that the children can listen to stories at home.  A story a day would be fantastic!  There is a Reading Challenge that we will be taking part in as the Trust so watch this space for more information about that.   I hope you all have a wonderful half term.  Keep safe, especially on the approach to Halloween!   Categories: 1 CategorySchool News

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